Friday, July 5, 2019


 The questions lies at the heart of our global efforts to address the root causes of ill health through improved preventive health strategies - using the full range of policies, interventions and technologies of our knowledge. Previous World Health Organization studies have examined the aggregate disease burden attributed to key environmental risks globally and regionally, quantifying the amount of death and disease caused by factors such as unsafe drinking-water and sanitation, and indoor and outdoor air pollution. Building from that experience, this present study examines how specific diseases and injuries are impacted by environmental risks, and which regions and populations are most vulnerable to environmentally-mediated diseases and injuries. This report confirms that approximately one-quarter of the global disease burden, and more than one-third of the burden among children, is due to modifiable environmental factors. The analysis here also goes a step further, and systematically analyzes how different diseases are impacted by environmental risks… and by 'how much.' Heading that list are diarrhoea, lower respiratory infections, various forms of unintentional injuries, and malaria. This 'environmentally-mediated' disease burden is much higher in the developing world than in developed countries - although in the case of certain non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancers, the per capita disease burden is larger in developed countries. Children bear the highest death toll with more than 4 million environmentally-caused deaths yearly, mostly in developing countries. The infant death rate from environmental causes is 12 times higher in developing than in developed countries, reflecting the human health gain that could be achieved by supporting healthy environments.

                  Core for diseases prevention
  1. Setting priorities 
  2.  Surveillance- to detecting and report cases
  3.  Outbreak investigation –to confirm their existence
  4.  Choosing a control strategy
  5.  Taking action-control/response; policy; 
  6. feedback
  7.  Assessing the results of action
  8. Visiting 


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